
Posts Tagged ‘Glenn Beck’

Linkathon 9/1, part 2

September 1, 2010 Leave a comment

Shaun King with a potentially provocative post on President Obama and how some Christians are referencing him. Brad Greenberg looks at the perception of Obama as a Muslim. Becky Garrison asks what constitutes sacred space at Ground Zero.

Maryellen Stipe on the Jesus People and an upcoming reunion in Denver.

J.R. Briggs on what pastors’ conferences should be like (HT: Bill Kinnon).

Jordon Cooper on losing his religion.

Matt Redman on the need to be careful about language used in worship (HT: Mark Lamprecht).

Teens becoming ‘fake’ Christians? (HT: lots of people, including Jason Clark)

Erik Raymond and William Black on Glenn Beck.

Rob Moll on the connection between atheism and Christianity (HT: Gene Vieth).

David Foster: “You should be mature enough to restrain your freedom so you can represent those around you well.”

Frank Viola discusses Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck’s Why We Love the Church.

Scott Williams on the seven potholes of Twitter.

Becky Garrison on finding faith in the margins.

Doug Wolter: Work out your salvation in community.

Rachel Held Evans at Jason Boyett’s blog on works-based salvation.

Frank Turk on science.

Internet Monk reintroduces the Liturgical Gangstas, who discuss what is the gospel.

Tim Challies on the need to be “very, very careful about moving from the book to the e-book”.

Linkathon 9/1, part 1

August 31, 2010 2 comments