
Posts Tagged ‘N.T. Wright’

Linkathon 12/1, part 1

November 30, 2010 1 comment

Jon Acuff and Erik Raymond on Steve Johnson’s ‘blame God’ tweet that’s gone viral

Carlos Whittaker on the reaction when he posted a mild profanity on Twitter after one of his kids broke her arm playing on monkey bars

Bart Barber on the Southern Baptist Convention, the local church, and his critique of multi-site churches (HT: Dave Miller at SBC Voices)

Fr. Ernesto Obregon on the need for swift and decisive pastoral discipline of wayward priests.

John Samson on the perseverance of the saints

Si Cochran: NIV 2011 = bad

Wow. David Sessions at Patrol takes on Christian media “hacks”, including Albert Mohler. Here’s part 1 (No. 6-10)

Desiring God online chat with Darrin Patrick available for download 

Tim Brister’s five books every Christian should read. Here’s Michael Dewalt’s version.

Greg Laurie on Billy Graham’s last crusade

Ed Stetzer on Mars Hill Seattle within American evangelicalism.

Matthew Lee Anderson clarifies the young evangelical elitism.

Michael Patton on the anatomy of belief

Jared Wilson: The gospel is awesomer than awesome

Emily Timbol’s day at a gay pride parade in Jacksonville

Tom Gilson on the Manhattan Declaration app getting kicked out of the iTunes Store

Carl Trueman on keeping a church on the rails (part 4 of his 4-part series on churches ‘losing the plot’)

Christopher Hitchens debates Tony Blair on religion (click through to watch video)

Mike DeLong’s intro to his series on his visit to James White’s church

Trevin Wax on N.T. Wright’s early view of the atonement

Jim Hamilton on the NIV 2011’s treatment of Psalm 4

Mike Wittmer’s last question for N.T. Wright

Tim Lane talks with Dustin Neeley on the importance of Biblical counseling













Linkathon 11/24, part 2

November 24, 2010 Leave a comment

Kevin DeYoung on the hole in our holiness.

Christianity Today on young doubters leaving the church. Dan Kimball comments.

Mike DeLong on visiting churches and a BBC radio program’s episode on Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.

Michael DeWalt on seminary.

Mike Wittmer on N.T. Wright’s terms for becoming right with God.

Does struggling with p0rnography disqualify a pastor from ministry?

Phil Johnson on whether there has ever been an orthodox Christianity (HT: Thabiti Anyabwile).

Desiring God interviews Jerry Bridges (this is part 3; click on the link for links to parts 1 and 2).

Phil Johnson on homophobia.

J.D. Greear on Sam Harris’s list of Bible ‘contradictions’.

Nate examines why Jesus was baptized.

Joe Carter’s best blogs of 2010 (HT: Gene Veith).

Wade Hodges’ 10 lessons from a failed church plant (HT: Matt Dabbs).

Julie Clawson on Barna and the new Calvinists.

Carl Trueman on how churches lose the plot, part 2.

The Christian and his books (HT: Eric Redmond).

Linkathon 11/24, part 1

November 23, 2010 3 comments